Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome back!

Welcome back advertising lovers! Sorry for such the delay in between posts. However, there is a company that has done such an incredible job in their advertising that I have stopped and said, "How did they think of that?" several times.

As I am sure you all remember a few months ago Toyota took a major hit when thousands of cars were recalled due to the vehicles spontaneously accelerating resulting in severe accidents and deaths. After decades of customer loyalty, rave reviews from Consumer Reports and industry leading awards and status, this colossus took a hard hit. However, due to some timely crisis control on the part of their PR and marketing teams Toyota avoided what could have been much worse.

Now that the dust is, for the most part, settled Toyota continues to reestablish customer trust and loyalty. Although I have sat in awe at the manner in which they handled the situation it was the advertising for their new Sienna that really had me asking, "How did they think of that?"

Watch the video below and you will know exactly what I mean. I would also strongly encourage you to go YouTube and check out the related videos. They are all fantastic!